Independent Forum of Commonwealth Organisations (IFCO)

An informal forum of Commonwealth Organisations convened in 2016, well in advance of the April 2018 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London. Now the Independent Forum of Commonwealth Organisations (IFCO), it brings together representatives of Commonwealth Organisations to develop policy ideas for consideration at the Heads of Government Meeting, and for prospective endorsement in the Communique issued when the Meeting ends.
Member Countries of the Commonwealth
Recent Files:
IFCO Governance Arrangements File (for reference)
Samoa CHOGM, 2024
Commonwealth Organizations Submission to the Committee of the Whole
Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, CoP 27 World Leaders Summit
Archived Material:
Kigali CHOGM, 2022.
Commonwealth Organizations Submission to the Committee of the Whole
The Commonwealth Strategic Plan, 2020-21
Mapping CO Relevance to the Plan
CHOGM in Rwanda, 2020: Preview
London CHOGM, 2018 (see IFCO Intranet Page)
Commonwealth High Level Group
Review of Governance Arrangements and the Commonwealth Secretariat
First Report, September 2018
Second Report, December 2018
Campaign Against the Closure of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Role and Significance of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies:
"The 70th Birthday of the Institute," Sue Onslow, writing in the Talking Humanities Blog, April 25, 2019.
The Role and Significance of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Four former Secretaries-General of the Commonwealth write to the University of London in opposition to a proposal to close the Institute, 24 October 2020.
Interviews with Four former Secretaries-General of the Commonwealth.
Talking Humanities Blog, School of Advanced Study, University of London
"The Commonwealth Isn't Tinkerbell," (May 15, 2018) (with access to a YouTube video of a British Library debate about the Commonwealth and a list of other blog posts marking the 2018 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London).
Commonwealth Perspectives:
"Commonwealth Organizations: Third Pillar of the Commonwealth?" 107 The Round Table 97 (2018).
"Taking the Measure of the Commonwealth: A Review Essay," 20 Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History (2019).